Fire Safety

Fire safety is a high priority in marine applications and in particular offshore ones.

Most conditions are regulated via IMO (International Marine Organization).

The IMO is an association of national marine organizations in 172 countries and is headquartered in London.

Applications approved by the IMO are marked with the well-known “Wheelmark” certification followed by a certification number.

Fire tests and classification are conducted according to IMO FTP 2010 (version 2012) and are carried out in collaboration with an approved test institute.

LiteCore collaborates with the DNV in addition to DBI.

All of LiteCore’s tests and ratings are in accordance with the IMO, FTP in addition to DNV’s guidelines.

The following classifications can be obtained, cf. IMO FTP 2010.

  • A0, A15, A30 and A60
  • B0 and B15
  • F0 and F15

For all three types of classification, the design must not crack or allow flames to penetrate throughout the test period. A-panels have been tested for 60 minutes, whereas B and F have only been tested for 30 minutes.

The number after the letter indicates the time in minutes the application can maintain a temperature requirement. For all three types of classification, the average temperature on the unaffected side must be below 140°C. In addition, no temperature must exceed 180°C for A-panels and 225°C  for B- and F-panels.

A-panels and B-panels must be made of non-combustible materials according to FTP requirements in order to maintain this classification.

In addition to IMO FTP 2010, marine panels can be tested and classified according to the fire curve of a hydrocarbon fire. It gives the classification H30, H60 or H120. LiteCore can offer panels that have been tested according to the above conditions. However, there are restrictions regarding use.

Contact LiteCore for further information.